Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Career in Physical Therapy Essay - 1281 Words

Life can change in a split second when an unanticipated injury or disease hinders someone’s normal daily life. Modern medicine, physicians and families can only do so much but physical therapy can help recoup the life many of us take for granted. It often isn’t until we lose something that we as humans realize what we had such as the value of our body’s ability to take us through each day. A physical therapist is the person who stays with a patient for the duration of the rehabilitation process. A physical therapist leads the patient through the process of regaining physical strength and helps the patient regain control of their future. Much like many careers that involve interaction with individuals, physical therapy reaches beyond†¦show more content†¦Colleges with a medical department often have a master’s program for physical therapy. (â€Å"Physical Therapists†) Physical therapy students have a required amount of field work in or der to complete a program. Each candidate must work in an accredited workplace for the field work assignments. This part of the program is extremely valuable and helpful for a new therapist entering the field. Working one on one can be difficult even with all of the educational tools. (Curtis 37) Beyond the educational requirements for physical therapists are the many other attributes that are needed to be successful. A career as a physical therapist requires a lot of studied skills, personal characteristics and physical fitness. A physical therapist should enjoy working with people and helping others. An ability to listen to patients and understand is important to success. Patients are often a victim of a traumatic experience, injury or are afflicted by a debilitating disease. The emotional distress can often be as trying as the physical dysfunction. (Kottler 11) Communicating and teaching skills are needed to help patients learn new movements and exercises to practice on their own. Physical therapists help patients set goals, regain and strengthen muscles and flexibility. Helping a patient find confidence in the program helps them toShow MoreRelatedPhysical Therapy : A Career Choice1062 Words   |  5 PagesPhysical therapy is a great career choice, you decide the location of your workplace, the salary/hours are good plus the opportunity to make a difference in a person’s life is another great reason to become a physical therapist. Physical therapists need a doctoral or professional degree, they typically work in private offices and clinics. They diagnose, and manage dysfunction in movement, increase physical/functional abilities. They study each individual and construct a plan using strategies to promoteRead MorePhysical Therapy as a Career Essay1115 Words   |  5 PagesDescription of the Job/Position The job I plan on pursuing with kinesiology as my major is to become a physical therapist, which is also known as PT. Their main duty is helping patients rehabilitate with disabling injuries such as fractures, arthritis and low-back pain. Their duty is to help patients their relieve pain, increase mobility, and decrease long-term physical disabilities. Physical therapists focus on the evaluation of strength, balance, range of motion, co-ordination, endurance, andRead MorePhysical Therapy as a Career Alternative690 Words   |  3 Pagestext, I concern myself with physical therapy as a career alternative. In so doing, I will amongst other things identify a number of services within the said career alternative. Further, in addition to discussing the roles of the workforce within the identified services, I will also highlight the impact of the said roles on health care organizations. Physical Therapist: An Overview of the Career In the words of Field (2007), physical therapists develop therapies and exercise modalities to helpRead MorePhysical Therapy Career Field2203 Words   |  9 PagesWhen considering the physical therapy career field, I concluded that my interests and skills are compatible with the career requirements in this field. My sisters friend whom I chose to interview for this paper, contributed to my interest in physical therapy. By doing this research I would like to learn the average pay for a physical therapist. Also, what are suggested classes for a physical therapist while in college? This research will help me better understand what a physical therapist does andRead MoreFinding A Career May Be A Physical Therapy1117 Words   |  5 PagesFinding a career may be an imitating approach conversely, it may be the most important factor in the long run. The world offers thousands of various occupations that benefit everyone around them. The occupation I assume would benefit me also others arou nd would be to become a Physical Therapist. Physical Therapists, also abbreviated as PTs, are sharply-intelligent health care providers who educate, rehabilitate, treat, and prevent their patients from pain in the human anatomy (American Physical TherapyRead MoreStatement of Purpose for a Career in Physical Therapy or Criminal Investigation1087 Words   |  4 PagesPhysical therapy and criminal investigating are two careers with high interest. Many people want to become them when they get older and they are steadily growing. Both a physical therapist (PT) and a criminal investigator (CI) must be in great physical shape and both must learn a lot to perform in their profession. As well as great mental and physical shape, they must maintain training throughout in order to succeed and stay in the job. These jobs appeal to me because I think I am in both physicalRead MoreStatement of Purpose to Major in Exercise Science and Medicine for a Career in Physical Therapy571 Words   |  2 Pageswould be in Exercise Science and Medicine. One of the reasons I wanted to major in Exercise Science was because of my intentions to become a Physical Therapist. The course work of the Exercise Science programs entails a strong understanding of functional human anatomy, kinesiology, and human physiology, which are all relevant coursework for Physical Therapy school. One major benefit of this major is the senior internship that all students have to find in order to graduate with a B.S. Secondly, anotherRead MoreI Want to Be a Physical Therapist1409 Words   |  6 PagesPhysical therapy Some say that PT stands for physical therapist; others might say that it stands for physical terrorists. People who say it stands for physical terrorists are usually the people who have been patients before. 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That association includes 274 charter members. â€Å" In 1922, the association changed its name to the American Physiotherapy Association (APA) and men were admitted†Read MoreMy Research on What It Is and What It Takes to Become a Physical Therapist642 Words   |  3 PagesPhysical Therapy has always been a career that has had me interested in. Physical Therapist are part of the health care profession, which help relieve pain, and increase strength in their patients. Physical therapy has many different areas of specialization. Physical Therapy branches out into careers such as Cardiopulmonary, Orthopedic, and Kinesiotherapist, and within these specializations physical therapist see all different age groups from newborns, to the very oldest. Throughout their day physical

Friday, December 20, 2019

Should Undocumented Immigrants Be Legalized - 2032 Words

Should Undocumented Immigrants be Legalized? Moving to a new place to start anew is hard. Whether it is for school, work, or a desire for a change in lifestyle, many people move and are familiar with the accompanying hardships. But what if the only moving option for your life’s improvement was incredibly difficult, ripped you from family and friends, and, in fact, would label you as a criminal if you took matters into your own hands and set forth for a better life. But still, the typical concerns of a newcomer – such as having only a handful of social connections, learning local customs and locations, and accumulating enough things to live in relative comfort – are obstructed by the shadow of hope for a better life. To many foreign people,†¦show more content†¦Many people made the journey of their own across the Atlantic Ocean to this New World. As colonies and territories turned into a sovereign-nation it attracted its own immigrants under a host of reasons. During the 19th century a major wave of immigration came mostly from northern and western Europe. Roughly one-third came from Ireland, which experienced a massive famine in the mid-19th century. Also in this time, the United States received numerous German immigrants. Many of them traveled to the present-day Midwest to buy farms or massed in such cities as Milwaukee, St. Louis and Cincinnati. The mid-1800s brought a significant number of Asian immigrants who also settled in the United States – enticed by news of the California gold rush; approximately 25,000 Chinese had migrated there by the early 1850s. In modern times, immigrants are mainly Mexicans, Chinese, Indians, and Filipinos, and still seek opportunity for wealth and better life. From history to the present, immigration has been a huge component of America. (Immigration Timeline 2015) Illegal Immigration to the United States is an act of violating the Immigration laws by entering the country without proper documentation or overstaying for the period of time allowed as a visitor of the country. According to Department of Homeland Security, there are approximately 11 million undocumented

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Evaluating Marketing Performance Briz Guard

Question: Discuss about theEvaluating Marketing Performancefor Briz Guard. Answer: Methodology:- The methodolgy, adopted for evaluating the marketing plannings of Briz Guard, is based on two different aspects. One of the alternatives for increasing the profitability is by acquiring new clients and the other one is to increase the services fees of the existing clients. The two alternatives have focused on two different factors of marketing. Therefore, the propsected profitability and the potentiality of the two alternatives have been measured under two different approaches. The first approach is based on the expected customer value and other one has focused on the price structure. Expected customer value can be described as the net value, derived from retaining the customers over the years. The strategy of increase of clients can only be helpful in the future years, when the new clients will become existing clients and the company will not have spend any additional expenses for them. Therefore, the methodology has incorporated the Customer Lifetime Value metric to determine the net profit, earned by the company from any specific customer. This metric helps to compute the net financial gain, which a company can get from its customer for a specific period. Thus, the company can ascertain the Prospect Life time Value of its existing and prospected client list. The Customer Lifetime Value is computed on the basis of Contribution Margin. As the CLV defines the expected value of the clients, it is necessary to consider the retention rate of the customers also. Briz Guard applies 10% discount. Hence, it should be consider for the ascertaining the CLV. The CLV of Briz Guard is calculated by using the following formula: CLV = Contribution Margin x [Retention Rate/ 1+(Retention Rate-Discount Rate) By using the above formula, the CLV of all three section for different customer levels are computed accordingly. Then, the average CLV for the different customer levels of each section is then used to calculate the Prospect Life Time Value of each section. The PLV of the each section is then computed by suing the following steps: PLV = Acquisition Rate x [(Expected Initial Margin + Average CLV) Acquisition Cost] The PLVs of each section are then compared to evaluate the feasibility of the first marketing strategy. The other alternative is based on the price revenue structure. The management intends to increase the service fees, applied for the existing customers. It will help to earn higher revenues from each customer. Therefore, if the related expenses and cost remains same in the future, then the company can generate more profit by implementing this strategy. However, it should be noted, that the price of any product or service is adversely associated with its demands. As per economic rule of price and demand relationship, if demand of any product or service rises, it will lead to fall in the price and if it falls, then that will cause the price to rise upwards. On the other hand, if price of any product or service goes upwards, then the demands will go downwards and for the fall in price, the demand will rise accordingly. To evaluate the strategy, the service fees of each section are increased at same ratio. The nos. of customers for each section are decreased as per the price demand equation, presented by the marketing department. Then, the net profit for each section and total net profit of the company is calculated as per the nos. of customers and projected service fees. For further analysis, different service fees are set for different section and the revised demand level is calculated accordingly. Then the net profit of the company is computed in the aforementioned process again. These two projected net profits are compared with the current net profit of the company to measure the viability of the strategy. As, the price-demand equation is based on assumptions, the revised customer level of each section for the two options are increased by 20% to measure the sensitivity level of the net profit in relation to the customer level. The profit margin levels of the two marketing alternatives are then compared with each other as well as with the current profit margin level to measure the effectiveness of each alternative. Interpretation:- As discussed above, the two marketing strategies are based on two different aspects. Hence, two different methods has been applied to evaluate the potentiality of the strategies. The strategy, related to the increase of customers, is measured by using the CLV and PLV of each section. The pricing strategy is evaluated by calculating the estimated net profit under different price levels. As per the given data, the annual variable expense, incurred for each existing customer, is different, whereas, the service fee of each customer is same. Therefore, the contribution margin for each existing customer is computed separately. The individual contribution margin is then used to compute the individual CLV of each customer with the help of the discount rate and retention rate. The individual CLV denotes the amount of prospected value, which can be generated from the individual existing customer. Now, as, it is not possible to compute the individual expenses and CLV of the future customers, the average contribution margin and average CLV of each sections has been computed and used for ascertaining the PLV of the future customers. As per the calculations, it can be stated that the PLV of each section would be negative. It denotes that the future value of the prospected customers is would be much lower the expenses, incurred for new customer acquisition. As per the graph, show n in the appendix, the increase of customers will lead the office section to highest amount of loss. Though, the mall section has lowest number of customers, it would also incur high losses due to this strategy. The college section would incur loss at relatively lower rate than the other two sections. The pricing strategy is measuring by the net accounting profit earned from each section. As per the data, the college section has highest number of customers and the average annual expense per customers is also lowest amongst the three sections. Therefore, it provides highest profit to the company. The office section also generates profits, but due to lesser customers, it cannot generate high profit margin like the college section. The mall section incurs highest average annual expenses per customer and has lowest number of customers. As the result, it is suffering from huge loss. However, if the company increases the service fee at same rate for all the three sections to maximize the profit, then as per the calculations, the number of customers would fall down. As the result, though the overall net profit of the company, as well as, the individual net profits of college and office section would rise upwards, the amount of loss, incurred by the mall section would increase further. By applying different price levels for different sections for profit maximization would generate more profits for the company than increasing price at same rate. The college section can earn higher profits and the mall section can reduce the loss also. However, the office section would earn lower amount of profit than the other option of price hike. The sensitivity analysis reflects that the outcomes of this strategy are very much sensitive with the demand assumptions. If the demand would be 20% higher at the projected price levels than the calculated demand, as per the demand equation of the marketing department, then the company may earn 30% additional profit for same set of price level and 36% extra profit for different price level. Recommendation:- From the aforementioned analysis, it can be stated that the marketing strategy of increasing the price level would be more effective than increasing the number of customers. By increasing the number of customers, the company would suffer from further loss. The rise in the price structure, on the other hand, would help the company to increase the profits. Amongst the two pricing strategies, the different pricing strategy is more profitable. The sensitivity analysis depicts that the company may further accelerate its profitability by increasing the speculated demand level at the projected price structure. However, it has been noticed that the main reason of the failure of the first marketing strategy, is the high amount acquisition expenses. If the company reduces it to $25000, then the PLV for each section will be positive and in that case, the increase in customer level would be very effective for the company. For the other strategy, the company should evaluate its demand equation properly before implementing the strategy. From the sensitivity analysis, it is clear that the profit volume is very sensitive to the demand level. If the actual demand becomes lower than the speculated demand level, calculated by the demand equation, then the company would earn huge loss also. References:- Ekinci, Y., lengin, F., Uray, N., lengin, B. (2014). Analysis of customer lifetime value and marketing expenditure decisions through a Markovian-based model.European Journal of Operational Research,237(1), 278-288 Nenonen, S., Storbacka, K. (2016). Driving shareholder value with customer asset management: Moving beyond customer lifetime value.Industrial Marketing Management,52, 140-150.