Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Career in Physical Therapy Essay - 1281 Words

Life can change in a split second when an unanticipated injury or disease hinders someone’s normal daily life. Modern medicine, physicians and families can only do so much but physical therapy can help recoup the life many of us take for granted. It often isn’t until we lose something that we as humans realize what we had such as the value of our body’s ability to take us through each day. A physical therapist is the person who stays with a patient for the duration of the rehabilitation process. A physical therapist leads the patient through the process of regaining physical strength and helps the patient regain control of their future. Much like many careers that involve interaction with individuals, physical therapy reaches beyond†¦show more content†¦Colleges with a medical department often have a master’s program for physical therapy. (â€Å"Physical Therapists†) Physical therapy students have a required amount of field work in or der to complete a program. Each candidate must work in an accredited workplace for the field work assignments. This part of the program is extremely valuable and helpful for a new therapist entering the field. Working one on one can be difficult even with all of the educational tools. (Curtis 37) Beyond the educational requirements for physical therapists are the many other attributes that are needed to be successful. A career as a physical therapist requires a lot of studied skills, personal characteristics and physical fitness. A physical therapist should enjoy working with people and helping others. An ability to listen to patients and understand is important to success. Patients are often a victim of a traumatic experience, injury or are afflicted by a debilitating disease. The emotional distress can often be as trying as the physical dysfunction. (Kottler 11) Communicating and teaching skills are needed to help patients learn new movements and exercises to practice on their own. Physical therapists help patients set goals, regain and strengthen muscles and flexibility. Helping a patient find confidence in the program helps them toShow MoreRelatedPhysical Therapy : A Career Choice1062 Words   |  5 PagesPhysical therapy is a great career choice, you decide the location of your workplace, the salary/hours are good plus the opportunity to make a difference in a person’s life is another great reason to become a physical therapist. Physical therapists need a doctoral or professional degree, they typically work in private offices and clinics. They diagnose, and manage dysfunction in movement, increase physical/functional abilities. They study each individual and construct a plan using strategies to promoteRead MorePhysical Therapy as a Career Essay1115 Words   |  5 PagesDescription of the Job/Position The job I plan on pursuing with kinesiology as my major is to become a physical therapist, which is also known as PT. 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